Digital Renewal Project

Welcome to Dr Wilbert Keon Digital Renewal Project. The site will host all of our shared reflections, interactivities and design collaborations, as well as serve as a learning hub for all participants.

DWKS Workshop – August 27th – 8.30 to 11.30 am

  • Welcome, introductions, summary of work done during the summer, lessons learned, tour of site.
  • Developing a Master Rubric.
    This first activity comprises condensing all the lessons learned, the conclusions formulated during the reflection period, as well as incorporating COVID restrictions as part of design constraints to enhance creativity.

Teams will then break up into their task forces. These are:

  • DWKS Actualized.
    • How to emphasize and enhance offerings that already exist at the school.
  • Nature & Outdoors.
    • Maximize use of outdoor spaces and experiences.
  • Flex Time
    • Develop model for Flex Time and related contents, including:
      • Wellness / mindfulness
      • Student interests
  • Staff Development
    • Find regular spaces for teachers to plan/train

Each one of the task forces will have a facilitator / notetaker, who will be responsive for submitting all materials and results of interactions for uploading on the site.

  • Preliminary Designs.
    Task force members will then explore two or three alternative ideas for their task forces. These will be written in a draft form, not more than a few lines each, enough to convey the general gist of the idea.
  • Review and cross-links.
    Teams will then utilize the rubric generated at the beginning of the day to review each of the ideas and annotate any cross-links that may exist between the different task forces and the strategies that are being developed.
  • Designs.
    Task forces and teams will then formulate a more detailed description of their idea, together with logistics implications, school impact, as per a template that will be provided.
  • Design Iterations.
    Teams will subsequently review and cross-link preliminary designs in order to help task forces refine their ideas and formulate improved designs.
  • Projects Integration.
    The whole group will reconvene in order to integrate the various projects designed and analyze a complete set of logistics implications, impact on the school and related actions. This step involves making the initiatives compatible and coherent.
  • Final Presentation & Conclusions.
    All initiatives will then be compiled, articulated and presented as an integral plan for the school comprising both the post COVID phase as well as the future back to normal scenario.
    Conclusions on applicability and appropriateness of Design Thinking and PBL related initiatives to teaching and learning at DWKS.

The Learnerspace was born as a shared effort to try to create the future through education. we work towards bringing into fruition what we already know are the irreversible principles of learning for the future, helping schools create that future right away, without the need for systemic change. It is comprised of a vast network of like-minded educators whose vision for the future of education is aligned mostly in that the time is now, and we should wait no longer to make that school of the future happen immediately.